
How I stay fresh during the summer

If you’re like me, living in the tropics, then you know the struggle we go through especially during the summer. In the Philippines, the summer heat is extremely unbearable that our skin has to suffer from its wrath. However, there are ways to combat the icky feeling that comes with the heat! Here are some of my tips on how to maintain your freshness during the summertime:

  1. Keep a body/face mist inside your go to bag at all times.701205ae9dd4301a14bf0133ef1e778a

I cannot stress how important a face mist is enough! Especially in the summer heat, a face mist is like a breath of God in your skin. I have two kinds, rose water that I made and tea tree spray from Lush. I prefer the tea tree spray as I do not like the scent of roses too much, unless they are in actual flower form. I use a face mist because it helps set whatever I have on my face and gives my skin a much needed boost.

  1. If you must wear makeup, then wear light makeup to allow your skin to breathe.Processed with VSCO with a6 preset

I am not much of a fan of makeup. The summer heat just makes me much less of a fan. However, on days when I am forced to use it, I go for an extremely light look with light coverage because the heat just makes if feel like the makeup is melting off my face. Try to wear less makeup on days you feel like you need to stay in an air conditioned room to survive.

  1. Always have a bottle of baby cologne and baby powder with you. IMG_0754

Fact: Heat makes you sweat. Sweat makes you feel icky, and if you’re unlucky, then bad odor comes with it too.

Another fact: Baby powder makes icky days bearable, and a bottle of cologne makes you smell like you haven’t just gone under the sun.

I love baby cologne, and I love baby powder. The two combined just makes you smell like, guess what? A BABY!!!! And has anyone ever complained about a baby’s scent? I don’t think so.

  1. Two words: WET WIPES!!!

Tissue is never enough. With wet wipes, you can wipe the sweat AND dirt off your body, leaving a fresh glow in its place.

  1. Never forget to put on sunblock. IMG_0750

Keeping the remnants of the heat of your body is not the only thing that’s important in the summer, but also, protecting your skin from the heat itself! Remember, your skin can be harmed by constant sun exposure, whether or not you see a burn.

  1. Drink lots and lots of water.IMG_0757

Staying hydrated is extremely helpful in staying fresh during the summer. Drinking water is an essential in keeping your body healthy, but it’s importance is doubled during the summer for replenishing the lost fluids from sweating and staying protected from heat strokes.

How about you? How do you stay fresh during the summer? I would love to know! Share your tips with me in the comments section.

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